Economic Indicators, Stock Market & Investment Reports


Global Economy Prospects Improving

Government Budget Deficits Forcast
The global economy prospects are slowly improving, according to the IMF, which released new forecasts this week.

World GDP is set to rise by 3.5% this year, and by 4.1% in 2013. Emerging markets will sparkle, and America will grow by an improved 2.1%.

The IMF sees several risks ahead: the euro crisis and fiscal austerity in the rich world, upheaval in the Middle East and the possibility of a hard landing in countries, such as China, which have seen exceptional credit growth.

The IMF also warned that growth could be hurt by the deleveraging that is under way at European banks. Balance-sheets could be reduced by up to $2.6 trillion over two years, as the banks boost capital and get rid of unprofitable businesses. Credit will be harder to come by.

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